Friday, October 5, 2012

A Flock of Lonely Birds

     I feel lonely in my flock of birds. I am surrounded by friends, family, peers and coworkers every day. So much so that it is difficult to find a moment when I am truly alone. I was raised religiously, in a sense.I believed in God and the Christian bible, yet as I grew older I found it more difficult to have faith in something constructed by men. Humans lie, that's what we do. Some tell the truth, but how many of us can truly say that we have NEVER lied? No one I know can say that. But this is not to imply that I don't believe in God, or in some 'higher being', as we like to label it. I just can't have faith in all the details I have been taught as a child. Sometimes I wonder if it's this realization of my spirituality that has caused me to feel so alone. I did not feel this way as a child and then I wholeheartedly believed in everything told to me, as most children do. Some would have me believe that my loneliness is evidence of my damnation for abandoning God and sometimes I feel like that could be true. But in the end I'm lonely and I don't know what to do about it. That's why I'm here, talking to cyberspace. In a way it feels like when I would pray as a child. I'm lamenting to someone out there, they may not answer, but I'm 'praying' in hopes that someone is listening.